
2.今天天气怎么样? 今天下雨。 英文翻译

3.跪求天气预报 英语翻译 急~~~



Weather Forecast Welcome to today's weather forecast. It is April 2 today, and the weather for the 10 cities is as follows: Shijiazhuang: Sunny, Changchun: Cloudy, Dalian: Sunny, Tianjin: Sunny, Beijing: Sunny, Changsha: Sunny, Chengdu: Cloudy, Lanzhou: Sunny, Nanchang: Sunny, Hefei: Sunny. Thanks for watching, and see you again tomorrow.


it's fine day today,and the temperature is about 35 degree.There are many white clouds in the blue sky which look very beautiful.

今天天气怎么样? 今天下雨。 英文翻译

一般形容天气的说法It’s sunny/cloudy/windy/rainy/stormy/raining/ snowing/lightning/ thunder showering. (晴天的/阴天的/风大的/下雨的/暴风雨的/下雨/在下雪/在打闪电/在下阵雨) It is raining cats and dogs. (下倾盆大雨) 各种天气的说法: fair (adj.)晴朗的 cloudy (adj.)阴天的,多云的 sunny skies (adj.)晴朗的 clear skies (adj.)晴朗的 brief showers/brief rain 短暂雨 torrential rains  豪大雨 thundershower 雷阵雨 partly cloudy skies with brief rain 晴时多云短暂雨 mostly cloudy skies with brief rain 多云短暂雨

必备基本关键字: weather forecast 气象预报 Central Weather Bureau 中央气象局 prediction (n.)预测 call (n.)预测,预报 temperature (n.)温度 high (n.)(气温的)最高点 low (n.)(气温的)最低点

气象播报基本公式破解1. 开场白 (1) Taking a look at the weather forecast for today….. (来看一下今天的天气预报….)(2) Let’s take a look at the weather. (我们来看一下天气)(3) Let’s take a look at the weather forecast for today. (来看一下今天的天气预报)(4) Looking now at the weather forecast… (现在来看一下天气预报…..)(5) Taking a look at tomorrow’s weather…. (来看一下明天的天气…..)2. 播报天气(1) Mostly cloudy skies with brief showers islandwide today. (今天全省各地大都是多云短暂雨的天气)(2) Partly cloudy skies with brief showers in the north. Mostly fair in the center and south. (北部是晴时多云短暂雨的天气。中南部一整天大都是晴朗的好天气)(3) Mostly fair conditions in the rest of Taiwan. For tomorrow, partly cloudy skies in the north and mostly fair in the center and south. (台湾其他地区大都是晴朗的天气。至於明天,北部晴时多云;中南部大多是晴天)(4) The skies are nice right now in Taipei, but the call is for some brief rain in the north. (目台北的天气不错,但预测北部会出现短暂雨)3. 气温变化预测:(1) Expect a high today of 28 in the north, 30 in the center and 31 in the south. (今天北部的气温最高可达廿八度;中部三十度;南部三十一度)(2) Expect mostly fair skies islandwide with temperatures climbing slightly to 18 in the north, 19 in the center and 21 in the south. (全省各地大多是晴朗的好天气,气温稍稍回升,北部十八度;中部十九度;南度廿一度)4. 目前气温:(1) Right now it’s 26 in Kaohsiung and Taichung and 25 in Taipei. (目前在高雄和台中都是廿六度;台北是廿五度)(2) As for the temperatures right now, in Kaohsiung, it’s 16; in Taichung, it’s 14; and here in Taipei, it’s 13. (至於目前的气温,高雄十六度;台中十四度;而台北这边则是十三度)(3) Highs of 29 in the north, 30 in the center and 31 in the south. (北部气温最高廿九度;中部最高三十度;南度最高三十一度)(4) Current temperatures, 27 in Taipei, 25 in Taichung and 26 in the south. (目前的气温,台北廿七度;台中廿五度;南度则是廿六度)

跪求天气预报 英语翻译 急~~~

What's the weather like today?

—— It's raining today。

How's the weather today?

—— It's raining today。

How is the weather like today?

—— It's raining today。


How’s the weather today? 今天天气怎样?

What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎样?

How’s the weather tomorrow? 明天天气怎样?

What was the weather like yesterday? 昨天天气怎样?

What will the weather be like tomorrow? 明天天气怎样?

How’s the weather in Beijing in summer? 夏天北京天气怎样?

What’s the weather like in London in winter? 伦敦冬天天气怎样?

Is the weather always like this? 天气老是这样吗?

Is it always as hot (cold) as this? 天气总是这样热(冷)吗?

What do you think of the weather here? 你认为这儿天气怎样?

How do you like our weather? 你认为我们这儿天气怎样?

What’s the temperature today, do you know? 今天的气温是多少,你知道吗?

What does the weather forecast[man] say? 天气预报是怎么说的?

What’s the weather forecast for tomorrow? 明天的天气预报怎么说?

What’s the average temperature in London on a summer’s day? 伦敦夏天的平均气温是多少?


Welcome to today's weather forecast. Recent zhuhai temperature rising, let a person feel as if spring has come, warm warm sunshine in the body is very comfortable. But this kind of situation will not last long, today and tomorrow there will be a cold air raids, temperature will begin to decline, night and day, large temperature difference, please plan works, add warm clothes, prevent colds. Rainy may for your trip to bring inconvenience when going out, so please take an umbrella just in case.

Today's weather is suitable for sports, everybody can more exercise.

Below we look together tomorrow weather the specific circumstances of day tomorrow cloudy, dongfeng 3-4 class, the tallest temperature 17 ℃, minimum temperature ℃, evening 8 sometimes has to rain.

Thanks for listening, we hope our students good good study, day day up

Writing is tomorrow wuxi's weather forecast, for this is not very understand, have the wrong place still please change, still can add another if something please add below, do not copy of!!!!

Yulin Weather: Partly cloudy tonight, tomorrow, 0 to 6 degrees, the southerly winds 4-5. The day after tomorrow cloudy.Lower temperature, wind large, please keep warm.
